Monday, June 30, 2008

Arrays Are Fixed Size

C++ Primer 4/e in 4.1. Arrays there is a beware:『Some compilers allow array assignment as a compiler extension. If you intend to run a given program on more than one compiler, it is usually a good idea to avoid using nonstandard compiler-specific features such as array assignment.』
Another a caution:『Unlike the vector type, there is no push_back or other operation to add elements to the array. Once we define an array, we cannot add elements to it.
If we must add elements to the array, then we must manage the memory ourselves. We have to ask the system for new storage to hold the larger array and copy the existing elements into that new storage. We’ll see how to do so in Section 4.3.1 (p. 134).』
Chinese Translation is said:『有些編譯器允許array賦值操作,視為一種編譯器擴充功能。如果你希望程式通過一個以上的編譯器,最好避免使用非標準的編譯器特有性質,例如這裡所說的array賦值操作。
At first array has not push_back supported it is not very convenient.

achi's Blog

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